diet meal

As for what to serve with the Christmas turkey depends on your preference for red, dry white or slightly sweeter wines. Pinot Noir contains very little tannin and wont overpower the taste of the meal. Other good red wine options However, there are wine choices that can enhance your meal when paired properly with the foods you have selected for dining. A great wine pairing can make your dinning experience unforgettable and a wrong choice of wine can bring (My caveat: I haven't had wine there -- just cocktails -- but I assume it's possible.) I always recommend it to friends looking for a "date spot." Bleu's sister restaurant, Chez Gaudy, may work too. Yay for wedded bliss on the hill! The other was opening up the 2006 Angeline Pinot Noir ($20) from Sonoma County to accompany the meal. If we do happen to open a bottle of wine on a Tuesday night it is typically a humble table wine, so this elegant pinot noir elevated 1 cup dry white wine a quart ltr of cream 150 gr creme fraiche basil, parsley, chervil - fresh if you can get them 200 gr button mushrooms, salt & pepper, butter. Cook the ravioli in a pot of simmering water until they rise to the top.
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